Section Article

  • A Study of non-Newtonian effects and uniform frequency of the oscillation


    The non-Newtonian effects are exhibited through two dimensionless parameters ????1(=n????2/ ????1) and ????2(=n????3/ ????1), where ????1, ????2, ????3 are coefficient of Newtonian viscosity, elastic-viscosity and cross viscosity. n being the uniform frequency of the oscillation. The variation of temperature distribution with elastic-viscous parameter ????1, cross-viscous parameter ????2 (based on the relation ????1 = ????????2, where ???? = -0.2 as for 5.46% poly-iso- butylenes type solution in cetane at 300 C (Markowitz38) Reynolds number R, magnetic field m, suction parameter k at different phases difference ???? is shown graphically.