Section Article

  • Challenges of Breastfeeding among Working Women in India: Prospects and Retrospects


    Breastfeeding is universally acknowledged as vital for infant health providing essential nutrients and antibodies while also benefiting maternal health by reducing the risk of chronic illnesses. However for working women in India breastfeeding presents a complex challenge influenced by cultural expectations insufficient workplace support and societal stigmas. This research investigates the multifaceted challenges faced by these women emphasizing the intersection of socio-cultural norms economic constraints and inadequate maternity benefits. A retrospective analysis of government policies workplace practices and breastfeeding trends highlights the systemic gaps that hinder the adoption of breastfeeding among working mothers. The study also delves into the psychological and physical toll of balancing professional duties and maternal responsibilities shedding light on how these factors impact breastfeeding duration and exclusivity. It further examines the potential of emerging workplace i