Section Article

  • Driving the change through Diversity: A review of Taxi services run by Tribal Women at Statue of Unity in Gujarat


    The tribal communities in central India are excluded in many ways from accessing and benefiting from the fruits of mainstream development. Within tribal groups women are more marginalised and side-lined than men despite their multiple roles in the household. Women’s exclusion from the mainstream knowledge systems market sphere and their limited access and control over the resources affects the overall development of tribal communities. Key for economic growth of tribal communities is the equal participation and promotion of women’s physical and economic rights. The present paper is an attempt to analyse and document the findings of a social inclusive and livelihood model executed for the geographical social technological and economic inclusion of tribal women through taxi services run by them at The Statue of Unity in Narmada district of Gujarat. It is found that by employing inclusive strategies scientific technologies and participative approaches the socially excluded women could be