Section Article

  • Research on the Work-Life Balance and Professional Views of Secondary and Postsecondary Education Instructors


    The purpose of this research is to investigate the work-life balance and professional views of educators working in secondary and postsecondary educational institutions. Through the use of a mixed-methods approach which includes both quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews the study endeavours to get an understanding of the many ways in which educators handle the demands of their professional jobs in addition to their personal lives. A number of elements including workload administrative support job satisfaction and the influence of technology on teaching techniques are investigated during the course of this research. In terms of the perceived work-life balance the findings reveal that there are considerable disparities between secondary and postsecondary educators. Postsecondary educators on the whole report having more freedom but they also report feeling more pressure to participate in research and publishing. Although they are required to adhere to more stringent timetables