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  • Romila Thapars Threshold: Analyzing the Transitional Phase in Indian


    The *Threshold Period* from 300 to 700 CE was a transformative era in Indian history characterized by the decline of the Gupta Empire and the rise of regional kingdoms. This period saw significant political fragmentation as the central authority of the Guptas weakened leading to the emergence of various regional powers such as the Vakatakas Pallavas and in southern Region The cholas. Economically trade and commerce continued to thrive with enhanced interactions between India and other regions including Southeast Asia and the Mediterranean. Culturally this era witnessed remarkable advancements in art architecture and literature exemplified by the creation of the Ajanta and Ellora caves and Kalidass famous play Shakuntala. The Threshold Period set the stage for the medieval period of Indian history laying the foundation for subsequent powerful empires like the Rashtrakutas and the cholas.