Section Article

  • The Foundations of Automating Libraries


    The following points are covered in detail in this paper: • New requirements for library automation • Soaring information costs and shrinking space allocations • How to improve library funding • Rising prices of printed and digital materials • Sharing resources • Difficulties and issues with library automation • How to choose the right software for library management Also covered is the issue of keeping library resources and methods current in light of environmental changes. In order for libraries to run smoothly and efficiently, information and communication technology (ICT) is crucial. Robots cut down on manual labour, unnecessary repetition, and the need for humans. In this paper, we will examine the fundamentals of automation and the growing importance of library management software in this field. We will also go over the necessary steps to automate a library, as well as its development, purpose, and development, as well as its advantages, disadvantages, benefits, objectives, pre