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  • Women’s Right to Dignity: An analysis of Socio-Legal Response to Nirbhaya Rape Case in Delhi


    Women all over the world are faced with abuse of various types, ranging from simple restriction of freedom of choice to physical violence within and outside their households. It is said that rarely there is any woman in India that has escaped these crimes, at least once in a lifetime, all women experience molestation or sexual abuse or rape. Eve teasing or public sexual harassment has made public spaces unsafe for women. It is not necessarily that outsiders commit such crimes, but more often the perpetrators of such crimes are known to the victim. It has also been indicated in number of research studies that men often find it as easy means to subjugate opposite sex which no doubt is the ultimate form of humiliation a women can suffer by the hands of person whom she believes as her protector. Moreover, such crimes, often, go unreported due to the social stigma attached to the victim. Such incidents, taken together violate fundamental human rights of women, especially the rights to digni